Leadership Team

Innovating for a Sustainable Future

Arbity is guided by four strategic pillars to lead in AI and sustainable growth. First, we blend deep manufacturing knowledge with advanced AI to drive innovation and efficiency. Second, we focus on empowering global growth, especially for small and medium-sized businesses, by equipping them with the necessary tools for successful international expansion. Third, our business ethos is rooted in coexistence, fairness, and sharing, ensuring ethical practices and equitable growth. Lastly, we are committed to sustainability, consciously avoiding practices harmful to the environment to ensure responsible growth.

  • Robin K, Designer & Startup Architect

    Robin K

    Designer & Startup Architect

    Robin K excels in creating collaborative and innovative environments with his visionary approach. At Arbity, he combines design thinking with strategic planning, keeping the company at the forefront of creativity and functionality.

  • Molly J, Marketer & Director of Local Supply and Demand

    Molly J

    Marketer & Director of Local Supply and Demand

    Molly J adeptly manages supply and demand dynamics in local markets. Her ability to identify market trends and develop strategies tailored to local consumer needs significantly contributes to Arbity's regional success.

  • Leo P, Senior Software Developer

    Leo P

    Senior Software Developer

    As a senior software developer specializing in Java and cloud computing, Leo P is renowned for his innovative problem-solving, mentorship, and interest in AI advancements. He leads major technology projects at Arbity.

  • Karl L, Senior Front-End Developer

    Karl L

    Senior Front-End Developer

    Specializing in HTML, CSS, and React.js, Karl L is a senior front-end developer dedicated to creating user-friendly interfaces. His passion for UX/UI design and web and mobile app development drives his mentorship of junior developers.

  • Hannah O, Web Publisher & Developer

    Hannah O

    Web Publisher & Developer

    Hannah O combines her HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript skills with a sharp design sense to excel as a web publisher and developer. Her work focuses on crafting responsive, user-friendly websites, keeping Arbity at the cutting edge of web trends and technology.

  • Austin N, Junior Backend Developer

    Austin N

    Junior Backend Developer

    Austin N, Arbity's junior backend developer, brings expertise in Python, Ruby, and Node.js. His enthusiasm for API development and database management is evident as he enhances his coding skills through collaboration and tech meetups.

  • Tyler L, Curator & Trend Planner

    Tyler L

    Curator & Trend Planner

    As a curator and planner, Tyler L plays a pivotal role in identifying and setting innovative trends for Arbity. His strategy development ensures that the company remains a trendsetter across various sectors.

  • Emily M, Web Designer & User Experience Innovator

    Emily M

    Web Designer & User Experience Innovator

    Emily M, Arbity's expert web designer, creates visually appealing and intuitive websites and apps. Her focus on user experience aligns with Arbity's drive for innovation and customer satisfaction, ensuring seamless digital interactions.